Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Leaving Pamplona (day 4)

From Pamplona we have done a lot of walking,with limited access to Internet connection. However, we are still alive and are currently in Burgos, birthplace and final resting place of El Cid. But more of that later.

The walk from Pamplona to Puente la Reina was tough. The weather closed in and by the time we arrived at the outskirts of Pamplona it was raining and chilly.  We put on the cheap plastic ponchos, which kept us dry, but also made us very warm.  At one point, at a very steep hill, I stopped to catch my breath, and a very kind Spanish lady offered me her walking pole. I need to add here ,that in Pamplona we had bought a couple of walking poles, but of course,the boys had then, and by now they were half way up the hill.  I. Took it reluctantly at first, but then realised how helpful it actually was , and made it to the top, where I waited to return the pole and thank the kind pilgrim who had helped me out.  We continued on through the wind and rain, and eventually reached a tiny village called Lorca where we stopped and had coffee and tortilla de patata, and a chance to dry off and change shirts.  My "guardian angel" from earlier, arrived a little after us, Andy ad delighted to see us still in one piece, and continuing on in good spirits.

The weather began to clear and the rest of the day was uneventful. We arrived at an albergue, checked in, and I decided to brave some cooking.  The supermarket was pretty good and we ate well. We were pretty tired, and soon turned in for and early night, as we knew that there was much more walking to do!

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