Friday, June 28, 2013

Catching the bus to Sahagun

We got up this morning and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast in the hotel, although the group of Spanish students who had arrived late last night slowly emerged and the waitress seemed even more frazzled than yesterday.

We packed and kept thinking that someone was knocking on our door, but it was the teachers with the group who were trying to get the kids in the room next to ours to get up.

An easy walk to the bus station, and then a wait for the bus to drive, and another one for the driver to take his break, but just after 10:30 the bus pulled out, and it was with heavy heart that I said "goodbye" to Burgos.

I was really pleased that we had bought our tickets when we did, because a couple of people tried to buy their ticket with the driver, but all the seats had been sold, and we had numbered seats.  The boys were behind me, and I had an aisle seat.  The seat next to me was taken by a lady who was very quiet.  The bus was equipped with its own wifi, and I was able to blog and post whilst traveling.  It was definitely a luxury bus!

There were serval stops en route, and early on a family with a very loud child got on - a child with one of those vices that you just can't ignore.  I hope when I travelled with my children when they were much younger that I did a better job than that family.  The boys tried to ignore it by watching the film "Taken 2" with Spanish subtitles, because the volume was off.

After several more stops we reached Sahagun, and were relieved both to get away from that child, and also to get our backpacks out.  A short walk took us past the bull ring and into town.  The albergue here is a former church.  The lady had just left, but the side door was open and we were told that it was ok to grab a bed and then pay when she came back after siesta time.  So that is what we did.  The room is divided into cubicles with 8 bunk beds, with basic kitchen and bathrooms at the top of the stairs.  We ate our sandwiches, rested and then I went and registered us.  Later, we went out to a supermarket and the boys cooked dinner.  

I think we will try to have an early night, because although the walk is not a long one tomorrow, it is a couple of days since we have walked, and it could be difficult to get back into it!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful experience

    Keep well ....and dry!
