Monday, June 17, 2013

On to Pamplona

I got up the next morning and made really great chorizo omelets for breakfast.  I love fresh chorizo.  In fact this whole blog could be one long menu of food! However, it is also about the experiences of walking a Pilgrim's Route across Spain, so I'd better focus. This morning we said goodbye to Carol, as she is attempting to complete the walk in fewer days, so she needs to walk about 30km per day. I enjoyed her company ,and hope that she makes it.

The walk to Pamplona was relatively easy and uneventful.  The countryside is beautiful, but it did get very hot and sunny. When I say relatively easy, there were a couple of rather steep hills, and the entry into Pamplona itself is up the old gateway, over what would have been the moat, and into the citadel. We arrived at lunchtime, and were fortunate to find a small shop open to buy sandwiches and fruit for lunch. The albergue also had a washing machine that was free to use, so I got all our dirty clothes in as quickly as possible.  Just as well, because soon there was a line of people waiting, and the machines took just over and hour to run their cycle .  It was really hot ,so everything dried without the need of a dryer. We all then had a siesta, before heading out to see the main square.

It was beautiful, and we loved being outside. There is more to explore in Pamplona than we had time for, and now it's lights out in the albergue in Puenta la Reina, so our further adventures will have to wait for another day!


  1. West ham sign Carroll for six year contract

    First game home to Cardiff

    Hope all well

    John x

  2. Have a great time Tex!
    Kind regards
