Sunday, June 16, 2013

St. Jean to Roncesvalles

No amount of reading had prepared us for the wind.  We took the advice of the hostel and set and set out as close to 7:30 as possible.  It would have been easier if I hadn't been woken up at 5:45 by the fire alarm which the boys slept through (some help they would have been if there really had been a fire!). Breakfast in the town at half the price of the hotel, and then off, up hill, for a very long way. We had to stop after a little ways to check on Nico's foot - he already had a small blister and his toe was bleeding .  We got out the first aid kit and administered something. A very helpful women stopped to check on us and as we seemed to have it under control, she carried on.  We met up with her again at Orisson, a rest stop/restaurant about 8 km up the first mountain. We got drinks,sandwiches for lunch and had some gateau basque, a local dessert, to fortify us for the next stage.

By now we were above the clouds,and it was getting sunny . We continued on and then the wind started. It was incredibly strong ,and loud, and had not been mentioned in any of the reading I had done.  We couldn't hear each other speak, and I was worried that we might get blown away.  We found a place to stop for lunch, and a very strong gust caught the lens of my sunglasses and out it it flew!  Fortunately one of the boys managed to grab it before it blew away, but it was enough for me it pull out my regular glasses and put a cao on.  This meant that I had to keep my head down,so that the cap didn't blow off either.  A little while later, Nico's cap when flying,but again we managed to catch it before it flew away.  We seemed to climb in the wind forever, but eventually we arrived at the point of descent,which was just as treacherous -very steep, and because of recent rains, very slippery.

The trail went through a thick forest and again, seemed to go on forever.  However,suddenly the forest cleared and we had arrived.  We checked in, showered, washed clothes ,and met up with the lady form earlier. We decided to reserve the same evening meal, and enjoyed a very convivial repast with other pilgrims.  I am very proud of the boys for the way they kept going, and we conquered the mountains!


  1. Glad to see things are going well and you seem to be really enjoying yourselves.

    x x

  2. Wow what an adventure. Akoski
